Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fashion101- -The Everyday Dress that You "WEAR" should not be taken for granted

As the holiday season is nearing to its celebration, the usual happening on airports and any transportation terminal happens, they tightened their security. While reading the internet last week, I have read the news about a woman who has been arrested because of her dress. Officials have said that they thought that she is caring an illegal possession because of her suspicious dress. And who could have guess that there is something like what not to wear in an airport?

As women of the new generation, fashion trends and dressings should not be taken for granted. You have to know on what to wear on what is not. A simple combination, expensive or not will help you look good. No matter what your preference of dress is, what is important is you know how to make it look simple, yet elegant in a day to day basis.


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